The Vanilla culture Organic Bourbon in pod conveys a particularly strong image of Madagascar:
the association of nature and tradition.
Respecting nature the recommended methods of cultivation encourage farmers to use free land that is not usually reserved for food crops. As a result, pre-cultivation burns were banned and trees, gliricidia and coffee trees were systematically replanted in favour of the establishment of guardians, the support of the Vanilla lianas.
A complementary innovation is the on-site production of plant materials for compost production that naturally feed Vanilla plants. Thus no fertilizer, no chemical weed remover is necessary for the proper development of the plant. Soil modification is exclusively biological in origin.
All these simple, rigorous and totally natural agricultural techniques contribute to the perfect protection of the environment and also contribute to the reforestation of the Malagasy rainforest.
Our crops are cultivated according to traditional methods not mechanized at 300 meters altitude. It is a very isolated forested mountainous area, out of reach of urban, industrial and agricultural pollution.
Our Vanilla lianas grow on the trunks of our coffee makers which offer them, in addition to the guardian indispensable for their development, light shade and protection against fungal attacks due to rains.
By inflorescence 8 to 10 pods are only preserved. A Vanilla liana can carry several clusters and produce 3 to 4 kilos of green pods.
Within two months of the fertilization, small pods that have been badly introduced or damaged by insects are removed to promote the most beautiful ones.
So each of our plants produces only 100 to 120 pods of 12 to 20 centimetres on average, containing thousands of very small odoriferous seeds containing Vanillin.
Traditionally we mark our green Vanilla pods on the foot of our seal of Planter E-JSH to ensure the origin of the product and thus enable its traceability. These are the apparent clear spots on some refined pods.
The volume of production is very irregular from year to year, as this much appreciated spice is sensitive to climatic variations and weather such as cyclones unfortunately frequent in this region of the Indian Ocean.
All plantations managed by the RANJA family have been certified for four years AB - Organic Farming par